Map of a route south from Nisshin to the Sakushima ferry terminal
Elevation profile of a route south from Nisshin to the Sakushima ferry terminal
A route map between home in Nisshin and the campground on the Kiso river
A graph of elevations between home in Nisshin and the campground on the Kiso river
Map of a route north from Nisshin through Owariasahi, Kani, Hichisō to Gero hot springs
Map of a route from Nisshin to Futoppara Campground in Hichisō
A chart of elevations over the route from Nisshin to Futoppara Campground in Hichisō
Map of a route from Futoppara Campground in Hichisō to Nisshin
A chart of elevations over the route from Futoppara Campground in Hichisō to Nisshin
Map of a route from Route 41 in Hichisō to the Futoppara Campground