


Three “book boxes” for return of borrowed books, standing in a small wood-floored side area of a shopping mall. Behind the boxes is the corner opening into the nook. The mall-side of the corner is covered with advertising flyers for the business next door. The nook side is covered in bookcase wallpaper, but there is an actual bookcase with books deeper in the nook.


A copy of “The Truth,” a novel by Terry Pratchett, with a sticker over the title reading (in English translation): “Recycle Book/This is a book for reuse, culled from the Nisshin City Library


A loaded cargo bike parked in a narrow paved pathway, with a steep stonework embankment on its right. The entrance to a tunnel under the embankment is to the right, and there is a sign to the left of the path with arrows indicating destinations Sanage (猿投) straight on, and Asuke (足助) and Chikaraishi (力石) to the right through the tunnel.


A loaded cargo bike parked on a forest floor, with traffic cones behind supporting a plastic rail on which is hung a sign reading: “No Through Road/Due to destruction of the road, vehicles cannot pass” (通行止・道路崩壊の為車両の通行はできません).


A sign reading “Entry to these grounds is prohibited/Chukyo Golf Club, Inc.” (事業地につき・立入禁止・中京ゴルフクラブ(株).


A narrow tunnel with a stonework arch through a stonework embankment. Beside the tunnel a sign reads: “Special caution: sexual assaults are common in this area!” この付近・チカン多発!!・特別警戒中 Above there is another sign reading “Protection zone” みまもりゾーン


A loaded cargo bicycle parked at a bridge over an earthen canal with trees and dried grass on the banks. A sign on a guardrail behind the bike is partly obscured by black spray paint over the school name, but seems to read “Miyoshi North District County Elementary School/Gathering Point/Departure Time 7:40” (三好町立北部小学校・集合場所・出発時間7時40分). Not sure what the reason for the splotch of black paint is, but the sign must be at least 13 years old, since Miyoshi County became Miyoshi City in 2010.


A paved road rises up through a woodland. To the right of the road there is a cabin structure with a sign reading “Woodworking instruction walking trail” 木工教室・遊歩道


A faded sign reading: “Wildlife diversion gate/You may pass, but be certain to close the gate after you” 動物よけの門扉です・通行は可能ですが通った後必ず閉めてください・よろしくおねがいします

The sign is decorated with illustrations of a wild boar and a monkey.